There are three steps in a successful corporate restart/startup:
One of the core aims of Operational Economics as it pertains to a Corporate Restart is to have every aspect of your business processes “support and validate” the procedures of every other aspect of your operations.
There is no more critical time than now for this discipline. Particularly if you are a small business or an SME… or your clients are.

Build a Responsive
Marketing Team
Showcase Quality
Exceptional Support
You need to get your corporate restart / relaunch right and chances are that you don’t have the luxury of excess assets to put towards re-establishing your group on the path that supports your organizational vision. You need to get it right and you need to get it right now. During this period of relaunch of the global economy, larger companies are throwing significant investment at pulling business from what would traditionally be considered the SME market space. You do not need to be a victim of their expansion, nor do you have to excessively invest to stay competitive.
What you do need to do is use your organizational vision to realign your operations with the new realities and validate your organizational ability to meet and deliver this new directive. You need to ensure your team can deliver the new directive. And then you have to deliver what you say you will when you say you will to your clients, staff and vendors. Stand by your product and service and commitments.
Money is simply a tool within an operation. With all of the other parts working properly, it stays as an important tool, but only that. The key is getting all other aspects of your operations aligned and supporting every other aspect of your operations. Big to small.