How Ready are You and Your Business for the "New Normal"? Working from home is often far less secure in terms of cybersecurity than the IT infrastructure in the office. How many staff do you have working from home? 1 to 5 6 to 10 10 to 20 More than 20 None Would you like to discuss a no cost initial Network Intrusion/Penetration Test? On Internal Network On home-based Workstations On Corporate Web Site(s) All None Do you currently have a VPN? Yes No Interested in a Corporate VPN What is a VPN and do I need one? Do you have e-commerce capability? Yes No If Yes, what percentage of gross sales are e-commerce? Choose One100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%5% Is that more or less than last year? More Less Same What best describes your business? Choose OneProducts OnlyServices OnlyProducts Mainly (some Services)Services Mainly (some Products)Products & Services Number of Employees? Choose OneLess than 10More than 10, less than 20More than 20, less than 30More than 30, less than 40More than 40, less than 50Over 50 Is that more or less than last year? Choose OneMoreLessSame Your total annual sales? Choose OneLess than $1 million$1 million to $5 million$5 million to $10 millionmore than $10 million Is that more or less than last year? Choose OneMoreLessSame How has COVID-19 impacted your organization? Choose OnePermanently DamagedSignificantlyInconvenientLightlyNot at allBenefitted Which COVID-19 support programs have you made use of?(use CTRL click to choose more than one) CEWSCECRABCAPCEBASME Loan GuaranteesBDC Co-lending ProgramsTax DeferralsWork Sharing ProgramsRRRFOtherNone at all If you chose "Other" in last question, list them here. Does your organization have a plan for the current and future shut downs? Yes No If yes, briefly describe your plan. What are the Five (5) most important things that your organization needs for the next 90 days? 180 days? Your report is confidential and will be sent to you at this email address. For your safety, our Privacy Policy. I have read and agree to the 2815 Consulting Privacy Policy Send Request